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Ajax Relay two-gang switch LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler, wireless

SKU: 000029718
With the advent of LightSwitch in the Ajax ecosystem, system users were able to control various lighting devices both on site and remotely through Ajax applications. The LightSwitch is a buildable device consisting of an internal LightCore mechanism, a transparent bezel and a colored bezel.
1949 UAH*
in stock
* Recommended retail price
Where to buy Ajax Relay two-gang switch LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler, wireless: 
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Реле двоклавішний вимикач Ajax LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler, бездротовий (000029718)
Реле двухклавишный выключатель Ajax LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler, беспроводной
Умный выключатель Ajax LightCore (2-gang) (LightCore(2-gang))
Реле двухклавишный выключатель Ajax LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler, беспроводной (000029718)
Умное реле Ajax LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler (000029718)
Ajax LightCore 2-gang LightSwitch Jeweler
Умный выключатель Ajax LightCore (2-gang) (LightCore(2-gang))
Выключатель Ajax 000029718 Jeweler для Ajax LightSwitch
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Умное реле Ajax LightCore 2-gang for LightSwitch Jeweler (000029718)
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